More than 40 years of support
determination and perseverance
The South Okanagan Women in Need Society (SOWINS) formed in 1981 by a group of concerned women who realized there were no services in the South Okanagan for women facing abuse and violence.
A small Board of Directors and volunteers provided safe places for women in need and drove women to Kelowna as it was the only Transition House at the time. These women also went on a local radio show to raise awareness about this issue that was not spoken about openly at that time.
By 1986 these determined women successfully opened the first Transition House in the South Okanagan. An 8 bed house on Caribou Street. Today, our Transition House offers 35 emergency beds for women and their children and also offers dedicated beds for youth in need!
Some of these original founders are still in touch with the SOWINS team and share in the joy of knowing that thousands of local women, youth, and children that have been able to leave a life of abuse because of the resources now available in the South Okanagan!
The momentum has only continued over the years being a much needed organization adding programs including the PEACE Program, Child, Youth and Family Program, Outreach Program, Intake, Outreach and Advocacy, Second Stage Housing, Explore Program, Community Based Victim Services, Stopping the Violence Counselling, Sexual Assault Response Team, and Mobile Outreach.
SOWINS continues to strive to deliver a wrap around service model while working closely in partnership with other local organizations to ensure those in need in our community receive the best care we can provide.
with your support we can help end violence in the community